Cisco Netriders Italy

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Il prossimo 15 giungo si terrà l’annuale competizione Cisco Netriders Italy che mette a confronto i migliori studenti delle Cisco Academy italiane.

Se sei anche tu uno studente che ha seguito i corsi CCNA Discovery o CCNA Exploration non esitare ad iscriverti e partecipare a questa emozionante iniziativa. In palio interessanti premi e, per i finalisti mondiali, unaa vacanza studio presso la Silicon Valley.

Per maggiori informazioni è possibile seguire la sessione webex di giovedì 9 giugno alle 17.30. Per partecipare è sufficiente avere un pc o smartphone/tablet, con connessione internet e l’audio abilitato.

La sessione è aperta anche ai docenti.

Di seguito i dettagli per l’iscrizione. Per qualunque esigenza o chiarimento, Accademia del Levante è a tua completa disposizione. Non esitare a contattarci.

The Italian Netriders competition will be held on June 15 and registration is now open.

Cisco Networking Academy NetRiders is an interactive student skills competition. Our goal is to create a fun, educational challenge for CCNA Exploration and CCNA Discovery students to compete in a real-time environment to showcase their IT/Networking skills.

This is a great opportunity for students to build their resume, test their IT/Networking skills, and gain recognition within the labor market.  Plus, Cisco is giving away Flip cameras to the top 3 students in this national competition.

In addition, the top male and female scores along with the next top two scores will be invited to represent Italy in the EMEA 2011 International NetRiders Competition on July 6, 2011 going against student competitors from 45 countries for the chance to win an all-expense paid study trip to visit Silicon Valley, California in January 2012.

The NetRiders competition is divided in the following phases:

•            Registration (May 24 to June 14) — ENROLMENT KEY: sonata 1861. Please give this enrollment key to your students.

•            Practice Test (May 24 to June 14)- Test exam login, site usage, and firewall settings

•            Competition – June 15

Provide the enrollment keys to your students who meet all eligibility requirements*:

•            The enrollment key is: sonata 1861

•            Cisco Networking Academy students currently or recently enrolled within the last 8 months in a CCNA Discovery or CCNA exploration course

•            18 years of age by December 31, 2011

•            Resident of or attending a Cisco Networking Academy in Italy

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